You don’t have to be big to make big differences.

About Our Mission


Dream it.

The Kivu Project was founded in 2022 by Jackie Jaramillo and Dan Torsiello.

Jackie is the Director of Ad Ops at the New York Post, is a Seton Hall alumnus, has a background in graphic design and is an avid traveler..

Dan is a high school world and African history teacher, varsity basketball coach, Rutgers alumnus, and also a passionate traveler.

Together, their fundraising efforts have snowballed into something beyond their dreams— a fully established IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit.

Plan it.

Our initial project was funding the build of the reconstructed Rama Primary School in Mushaki, DRC with Christian Aganze, of socially-conscious travel company Congo Local Guides, and his staff.

Based in Goma, Christian is the ideal partner to make long-lasting changes for good in an area that needs it most. He is our point of contact in DRC and has been our lead with the build.

Through Christian and his network of amazing locals, including Josiphia Doday, Patrick Ridi and Roger Bakulikira, we have been able to execute this from 7,000 miles away.

Build it.

As of October 2022 we have built a six classroom, six toilet, two office school which includes: a rainwater collection and storage tank, a solar power source, desks for every student and teacher, computers and printers for administrators, two years worth of school supplies for all students and basketball hoops and equipment provided by the Rutger’s University Men’s Basketball Program.

And now we hope to continue to spread awareness and have an effective change on those in need.

EIN: 88-4022037